| Cosabella
Karmaloop LLC

Saturday, June 13, 2009

rain, rain, go away . . .

florida weather was terribly ill this past few weeks. gawd, the rain consistently poured both day and night. i have nothing against the rain but it's a bitch if you have to get up early in the morning to work. i guess heavy rain is good on friday and saturday nights for a movie marathon, right?

Monday, June 8, 2009


my muscles are sore because i've been religiously working out. i'm very proud of myself for the consistent effort i'm exerting. my weight is not really something to be proud of yet, but i'm getting closely to it. i know it will be soon. . .

here are some photos of my late camwhoring. you may think i just blew a load of flour for the very pearly white effect on my face. excuse the glycerin moisturizer as part of my bedtime routine.